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EPIC Center

Engineering Professions and Industries of Construction Center at Stafford High School Empowering Minds. Inspiring Futures.

Engineering Professions and Industries of Construction (EPIC) Center

student at desktop computer


The Engineering Professions and Industries of Construction (EPIC) Center at Stafford High School offers coursework and learning experiences that allows students to explore careers and post secondary education in the following areas:

  • Carpentry
  • Electricity
  • Engineering
  • Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC)
  • Masonry

Students enrolled in this Specialty Center will have the opportunity to extend their applications of mathematics and science beyond the classroom in innovative and practical spaces. This Specialty Center provides rigorous coursework that strengthens students’ critical thinking skills, supports innovation and creativity, and builds entrepreneurial skills. Students may choose to specialize in a construction trade of their choice and complete an internship, earn other relevant certifications, or complete rigorous coursework in preparation to pursue an engineering degree.

Pathways & Minimum Criteria to Apply

The Engineering Professions and Industries of Construction (EPIC) Center at Stafford High School will house two unique pathways

  • Pathway I: Construction Trades (Carpentry, Drafting, Electricity, HVAC, and Masonry)
    • Minimum Criteria: Eligible for grade 9 at a Stafford high school
  • Pathway II: Engineering
    • Minimum Criteria: Successful completion of Algebra I in grade 8 and eligible for grade 9 at a Stafford high school


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